Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stone circles...and all that jazz

We meet again readers.

This week was the last week in January and i'm still in shock. I've been here for a month exactly (today) and it's going by so fast!
It's incredible how much I have done in the past 4 weeks. I can't believe it. However, this week was a little rough and boring for me.

Monday: same old song and dance (haha). Had dance class and Archaeology. Went grocery shopping and then actually did "homework" aka--> typed up notes for my class.

Tuesday: Today was different. I have been eating so healthy lately that I was CRAVING some hot chocolate. Luckily there is the best hot chocolate place in Cork near us. So my friend megan and I went and it was totally worth it. I had Dark chocolate with soy milk and marshmallows. It was like heaven in my mouth. They make their own chocolate and the way they prepare it is they take the chocolate, melt it, then add the milk (or soy). It was so creamy and delicious. Note for next time though...get the small lol they ALSO give you a side of chocolate chips (milk, dark and white) for a little nibble :) After that delicious adventure, I went to my last class and then out for a little. I came home though to my roommates having a little wine party, so I joined and we had a splendid time.

Wednesday: terrible day. It rained constantly. Fortunately I had one class, so I went to said class. The walked back in the pouring rain and stayed in my room the rest of the night (lie. I went to yoga to calm myself down). Not to mention my knee is still not doing so well...

Thursday: I had my class that meets twice. This class is very interesting, but the professor makes the material sound so dryyyy. It's horrible. But because i'm a good student, I went to the library and read some of the material that he "suggested" (nothing is required here) and now I am ready for next week :). Thursday night I stayed in because of my knee and watched a movie and some TV. It was a chill night, just what I needed. I also skyped with some people (aka my mom ;) and phillip).

Friday: Friday was the best day of the week (it was also phil and my 4 year anniversary) (besides the hot chocolate). I woke up feeling refreshed, went to a work out class from 7:10-8:10 in the morning (yes, you read that correctly. I woke up early to work out.) BOOM, i'm awesome. The class was intense but made me feel amazing. After that I went shopping a little, (knee still feeling like death) then came back, got ready and went out to my favorite pub with my roommates and friend taylor. It was a solid night of irish music and a Jameson and ginger ale :)

Saturday: Yesterday was the day of the field trip for my archaeology class. We left at 9:30, we didn't get back till 5:30. It was a LONG ASS day :( my knee was not kind to me, seeing as we had to walk everywhere. It was gorgeous (besides all the rain.) It was intensely green everywhere we went. We saw bronze age stone circles, a fortified 1616 house, and a castle. It was a dream (archaeology nerd). Unfortunately, it was an hour drive home and me knee seized up. I couldn't walk and had to hobble back to my apartment. I was in so much pain, but luckily I had ice on hand and laid around the rest of the night.

Sunday: This morning was great. I got to sleep in and my knee felt amazing. So me, being the "smart" person I am, went to go work out. AWESOME UPDATE: knee is fine..for now. iced it before, after and took aleve (miracle). I did my grocery shopping today also, because I wanted food annddddd i'll only be here till thursday because...I'M GOING TO DUBLIN NEXT WEEKEND. aw yea, bring on the jealously. But as of right now, I am laying in bed, watching UP and chillin. The typical night for an Irish/American student at UCC. average night.

Sorry if these posts are getting a bit boring. I'll try and make next weeks upbeat (which is will be because i'll be talking about DUBLIN). The more I travel, the more interesting these posts will be. Promise :)

Lots of love,

Sara Leslie

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Holla atcha whiskey girllll


So tis the start of the weekly blogging. HERE WE GO:

Monday: Boring, nothing really happened. I had dance class and archaeology. Then went grocery shopping (much needed). Pretty much chilled in my room, taking care of my leg. It's still not doing so hot.

Tuesday: Again, class...But that night I went out with my friends, had some pints and a jolly good time :)

Wednesday: Bummed around most of the day (I still went to class). I watch movies quite frequently, which helps pass the time :)
ALSO the IT guy came and said that the internet problem I have been having was the same for three other people, and he didn't know how to fix it. So he was coming back on friday to figure it out.--I was NOT happy. On the plus side, I went to my first ZUMBA class here and it was a lot of fun! I'll be getting in shape in no time :)

Thursday: ClassClassClass...(the usual) Went out with friends again, because well...I DON'T HAVE FRIDAY CLASSES.boom.

Friday: alas comes the day that the IT was supposed to come. But before that I did a little walking and such to pass the time and get out of my room. That night the IT guy DIDN'T show up, BUT the warden fixed the problem and now I have..wait for it...INTERNET! yay for ethernet cables :) and it's the fastest internet EVER. not joke. Later that night Taylor and I went a got indian food (delicious) and watched finding nemo back at my place. It was a nice chill night.

Saturday: I will discuss this awesome day down below..

Sunday (today): Went and had a delicious brunch with my friends and then walked around. Tonight is the first spin class (hopefully my knee doesn't get irritated). WOOT

Ok, What you all have been waiting for. SATURDAY, was the day we went to the Jameson distillery. So here starts my whiskey of the month:

When we got there, the next tour wasn't until 1:15 so we had a lot of time to walk around and engulf ourselves within the Jameson gift shop and have a pot of tea :)

The tour itself was delightful, it was very informative and not that boring ;) We started with a 10 min video on the history of the Jameson family and how whiskey originated. Then there was a walking tour of the old whiskey distillery, it was so fascinating being in these 100+ year old buildings. They taught us all about how whiskey is made and how Jameson whiskey is *better* (i'm adding that). After the walking tour was the best part. TASTING!

After the tour he asked for 8 volunteers for tasting three types of whiskey and then you get a free drink :) so, being a Fitzpatrick, I HAD to volunteer ;) My friends and I were the only ones who quickly raised our hands HAHA it was quite funny, I was very excited.

We sat in the bar and in front of us were three types of whiskey. 1. Jameson 2. Scotch 3. Jack Daniels. We went through each one and found their flavor profiles. I personally loved the Jameson because it is kept in barrels that previously held bourbon and sherry for no less than 4 years and then are mixed. It had a sweet scent and was smooth going down. The scotch (second fav.) had smokey undertones due to the barley being dried with peet. It was a little strong though. And then there was jack daniels (not my fav.) It was sweet to the smell, but rough going down. After tasting, we received certificates stating that we are official whiskey tasters. WHAT UP! family reunion--get ready for the professional. We THEN got a free drink, I had a Jameson with ginger ale, new favorite drink :)

After that awesome day, we went out last night to the traditional Irish pub that we went to last friday and listened to an authentic trad band play music. Had a pint and a wonderful night.

Fitzpatrick family--you should be proud.

Well that was my week in a nut shell! Hope you all enjoyed it and my pretentious whiskey talk, more of that to come later!

Sara Leslie

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Getting fresh with the stone

Hey all!

It's only been two weeks and it feels like MONTHS! But i'm loving every second of it :)

Not much has happened since wednesday, except a few things.

On thursday I was supposed to go out with some friends, but unfortunately, my knee started acting up, so I had to stay in and nurse it back to health. Luckily it feels MUCH better. Which is good because I would've been in biggggggg trouble while dancing and walking around everywhere.

On friday though my friend taylor and I walked around the city centre for about three hours and discovered a bunch of different and unique places. It's amazing that every time I go down there I find something new :) It's wonderful. But later that night we decided we wanted to get everyone from Iowa together and have a dinner. We went to this delicious Tapas restaurant. Amazing food and wine (expensive, but totally worth it :) ). After that, we walked to this local traditional Irish pub, had a couple pints and listened to this amazing musician play traditional Irish songs. He even took requests, I asked for: Take me home again Kathleen (tribute to Katie my sistaaaaa) and Whisky in the jar :) It was perfect. A great ending to a great night.

Saturday was filled with activities as well! We moseyed on over to Blarney Castle, and well, I KISSED THE STONE! It was magical, really. Just walking around and embracing the culture that was centuries old. It was a little cold (aka my toes were frozen) but once we were walking and exploring it wasn't so bad. After the castle, we went to get lunch at this local pub. The food was sooo good. I had an irish brie and cranberry relish sandwich with chip and vinegar. Deeeelish! After that we went to Blarney woolen mills. Of course I had to get an authentic sweater :) It's so warm, just what I needed for this cold i'm catching :(

After that long day, coming home to tea and movies was the perfect ending. Unfortunately waking up with a swollen throat was not a good beginning to today, but it'll get better. Lots 'o vitamin C and tea, with movies and tv...and maybe some reading in there as well for good measure :) Gotta keep up with the homework ;)

I can't believe it's only the third week! I'll be updating every week now (probably on sundays) just FYI :)

Have a lovely week everyone!

(next post will include whisky of the month!)

Sara Leslie

p.s. I'm trying to upload pictures to a website so that people without Facebook can see. It's in the process so hopefully by next time it will be up :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's like riding a bike


A lot has happened since I last posted, so I thought I would update you all on the continuing amazing time I am having :)

Sundays here are very quiet. It is a very subdued atmosphere because everyone is in church. Everything is closed! Until noon rolls around that is haha. Then the hustle and bustle comes roaring back as people run around to get their last minute shopping done before dinner time.

Monday was the start of my first full week here and I was a nervous wreck! I had so much to do in a short period of time. I had to register for classes, go to my FIRST irish dancing class in 13 years... :/ and I had another class on the opposite side of the river 5 mins after dance. It was an experience. Luckily I got everything done and had enough time to come home and make myself a lovely dinner (pasta with red sauce, a specialty of mine lol).

*side note* I am going to talk a little bit about my irish dancing experience :)

Irish dancing was a part of my life for about 4 years (5-7 years old) until we moved to Naperville. After that it just sort of went away. I concentrated on other things, became a part of other teams and put irish dancing behind me. However, when I went into that dance studio on monday and started doing the steps, it all came back to me. It was like riding a bike, it never really goes away. Needless to say, I was ecstatic! I had a smile on my face the entire time. It also helped that everyone else in the class had no idea what they were doing so I looked brilliant (ego boost). I never really realized how much I missed irish dancing, but I am so glad to have it back in my life.

Not only did I sign up for a class, my friend taylor and I joined the *advanced* Irish dancing team at UCC. Yeah...advanced. I haven't done this for 13 years and I joined the advanced, but to my surprise, I didn't struggle at all! It was like I had been doing this all my life. Again, I was over joyed. By the end of the day, I was exhausted, sore, smelly, and over all extremely happy, because I am starting up something that I left a long time ago :)

*moving on....*

After monday I felt dead. My body was aching, my feet felt like they were going to fall off and I was over all, physically exhausted, but extremely proud. So once tuesday rolled around, I was ready to just stay in bed all day, however I had two classes that day and needed to get up, get ready and prepare myself for a painful and long day ahead of me. Luckily, the day went by fast again and after my 2 hour class...yes TWO HOURS :(...I went to my friends apartment, bought some (more like A LOT) of cider :) *I LOVE cider* and drank it up with some friends before heading to a pub for a pint. After sooooo much cider, I could only finish a pony of Guinness :(. Sorry dad. After an eventful and long day, it was very nice to come home and pass out on my bed because I didn't have to be awake until 1 for my one class that was at 2 today :)

I hope all of that information (kind of disjointed information) was entertaining :) I am going to Blarney Castle this weekend and will be posting pictures and I will update again soon! I hope all of you are having a wonderful time and taking advantage of the nice weather back at home, I hear it is going to SNOW! (i miss snow :( )

Being here has taught be a lot already. Do not take advantage of the time you spend with friends or family, because you'll miss it when you are in a different country. So spend time with your family and friends :) you'll be thankful you did!

For all those college students, have fun with your last week before classes start for you! and Good Luck!

Love you all
Sara Leslie

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wine, cheese and the Cobh

Hello again!

Life has been absolutely smashing here in Ireland so far! I have done so much in this past week it's crazy! I taught europeans how to play flippy cup, I explored the city centre AND I started classes. But that is not all...

On thursday I had classes, which were easy seeing as it was the first week. I've decided all of my classes and I could not be more excited! I'm also doing Irish Dancing :) woot woot! But anyway, thursday night I went out with my friends for a casual pint and just chilled at a local pub for a bit before returning to the apartment and snoozing...for a long time. aka I did not wake up until 1pm friday afternoon and it felt AMAZING!

On friday (since I wasted half of the day sleeping) I went out with my friend taylor and we explored the city centre some more and got some food from this local eatery. It was hilarious because it was called "Tony's" it had "Godfather" pictures everywhere and the food was named after american celebrities. hahaha After that we went to 7 North Mall (a house that all of the other Iowa peeps live in) and had a wine and cheese night. It was wonderful :) I met a bunch of new people and even some Irish folk.

Needless to say it was rough waking up in the morning, however I managed to get up at 7 so that my friends and I could catch a train to Cobh. For those of you who do not know what Cobh is, it was the last port for the Titanic before it set sail to the Americas. This is there 100 year celebration and they are getting ready for it. It was amazing seeing everything and the memorabilia and just imagining the Titanic towering over the tiny city. While we were there, we visited a Cathedral (which was right up my ally) and it was astounding how well intact it was. I was delighted :) After A LOT, and I mean a lot, of walking we settled into a little restaurant and grabbed some grub (I made myself a pb sandwich because I didn't want to spend a lot of money) however their tea was splendid. After lunch, we wend to a pub and had Irish coffees (my first experience) which was ... interesting. Usually they are made with bailees, however this was made with whiskey. Although I do not LOVE whiskey, this was delicious and satisfied our tastebuds.

After a long day, we trekked back to the train station, got back to Cork and all went our separate ways, until our next adventure. I am now currently eating pasta and veggies that I MADE! and it is delicious. I love being able to cook for myself!

Well, now that the first week is over, I might be blogging less, but who knows, I might surprise you all :)

Hope you all are jealous of my awesome adventure stories :)

Sara Leslie

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let the semester begin

Since this first week is filled with travel and class, I thought I would blog more this week and then go for a weekly update.

Monday = travel day (exhausted)

Tuesday = Day of orientation and exploring the city centre. It was a busy day. We started with Class orientation which lasted from 9:30-1 pm (long) then I went shopping for essentials and such. After all of that (and getting lost many times) I went out with the international students to a pub and had a cheery night :) I had my first Guinness (in ireland) and had a great time meeting people from all over the world. Something interesting I found out was that Irish people listen to American music, which was kind of depressing because I was looking forward to hearing irish pop music. Oh well, looks like i'll be up to date on music while i'm here :)

Wednesday (today) = FIRST DAY OF CLASSESSSSS! ha, which are kind of a joke. Some of the professors didn't even show up. Luckily the only class I had today, my professor was present at. It is Irish Archaeology (come on, did you really expect anything else from me; an anthropology major?). I'm pumped for this class. I have taken one like this at Iowa, but it's a lot different when you are learning about it in the actual country. In this class we get to go on two field trips. 1. we are going to Drombeg stone circle and Ballinacarriga Castle and 2. we are going to the Rock of Cashel. Other classes I am taking are: Irish history for visiting students, Step dancing (old style) and other irish history classes. I figure since I am in Ireland, might as well fully engulf myself in the heritage :)

I know this semester will be going by fast, so I am going to take full advantage of it while i'm here!

I hope you guys are having a good time back in the states!

(how the irish say goodbye)

Monday, January 2, 2012

At last I am here

I made it!

I cannot believe I am actually in Ireland!

It has been a long 24 hours (only got maybe 40 mins of sleep), however the flights were not too bad. British Airways was lovely, cosy and very hospitable. Next comes Aer Lingius...Although I had an entire row to myself, it was bumpy, the landing the most. I hate landing, my ears pop and you bounce up and down on the tarmac, blech. Anyway, all that changed when I feasted my eyes on the landscape that was before me. Ireland was always beautiful in pictures, but just wait until you see it in person! It is stunning. absolutely gorgeous. As I was taking a taxi into the University, this euro music was playing and I could only imagine myself being in the one amanda bynes movie where she goes to london and this music plays as she enters the town. It's kind of like her theme music whenever she sees something exciting or takes a taxi somewhere. That was me. I was that girl that had the perfect music playing while she was watching the green pastures roll past on her way to the University.

This excitement soon came to an end when I reached where I was staying. This place looks NOTHING like the pictures they have on the website. *hint* UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE IDIOTS* I was disappointed, but I figured it could be worse, so I am making the best of it and it is going swimmingly :)

I explored the city centre; found GREAT shopping and loads a new places to hang out and have a pint! (look i'm already starting to sound like them! Even though it is REALLY hard to understand them).

Ah well, this was day one of Semester in Ireland and I cannot wait to write more about my adventures! Please keep reading these. It makes me feel like people care about what I am doing over here (I swear it will get more interesting with more traveling!) :D :D


Sara Leslie