Tuesday, December 27, 2011

T-5 days

Oh man. Only five days until I leave for my epic adventure in Ireland! It is very bittersweet right now. I'm packing like a mad woman and trying to find everything. I did not expect packing for an entire semester would be this hard, however I should have assumed packing your entire life for a semester was not going to be an easy task.

Since I am leaving on the first (yes..New Years day :( ) I though it would be useful to write before I leave in order to document my feelings and blah blah blah. Don't worry, my posts while abroad will be a lot more interesting and (hopefully) witty.

Alas I am going to go pack some more, seeing as I am not even CLOSE to being done :)

I hope this blog shows you all how much fun I am having in Ireland and gives you reassurance that I am doing great and loving every minute of my life.

Till next week!

Sara Leslie

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dull days of summer

It has been a long time my dear friends. 5 months to be exact and i thought i would indulge you all with some writing since i am doing nothing at all anymore.

I have three weeks until i leave for school again--sad day--alas it is that time of year where i have to get everything together to move in. Now, usually i do not mind packing and such..however going through all of my old CRAP is monotonous and tedious. sooooo boring. What makes it even harder when i'm going away for a week before i leave and i have to have everything ready to move before then. (sigh). But i digress, my summer hasn't been THAT awful. I did travel a lot and make some amazing memories with my family (which is rare lolz).

Well i shall be leaving now, seeing as i have a shit ton to get done because, I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO. :(

I bid farewell to you all, until next time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So obviously, instead of reading for my class I am about to rant over animal cruelty that is happening in today's society. On monday I was handed a pamphlet for Vegan eating and inside it had pictures of petrified chickens, pigs ( :( i love pigs) and other farm animals. It broke my heart.

(this relates to the story i promise) Over the summer I was vegan for about two weeks, just for the "health" reasons and didn't really care about the torture that these poor animals had to suffer through. This is astounding and awful: chickens getting a third of the beak cut off in order to minimize pecking in overcrowded coups? REALLY?!?!? How selfish are we really. To let these poor animals go through all of this pain just to become food for our obese, over populated economy. Absolutely ridiculous.

I have decided to become a Pesco-vegetarian. That means that I only eat fish. I guess you could say i'm a vegan besides that i eat fish, because i don't really eat that much dairy anyway..Only cheese really (come on..i'm from wisconsin, lets me real).

If I had time, I could go on for hours about the obesity that is taking over our country and everything like that..but unfortunately that will have to wait for another time.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sick--that pretty much sums up my past two weeks.

Illness sucks. You can't breath, can't workout, can't eat normally, can't focus...catch my drift?

This all began two weeks ago (the week before spring break) and it started with a sore throat. Now this said sore throat consisted of the works: scratchy, sore, red..etc. all in all it was AWFUL! Then once I started my spring break festivities it went dormant: BYE BYE COLD! On the contrary--it is now back..TWO WEEKS LATER with full force taking over my immune system like it's hitler or something. Seriously LET ME GET BETTER. Plus side, it is just a good old fashion cold: no strep or mono for this girl! however not so lucky for a girl in my house...mono for her :(

ANYWAY..This is day 5 of sickie sara and to be honest i'm soo DONE. ugh I just want to workout and feel better, but no.

Spring Break, however, was a success. Visited the BFF in Vancouver and then went to Champaign to pick up the boyfriend (because i'm awesome like that) from school. Now he is off galavanting in London/Madrid and i'm here. alone. sick. and full of no motivation what so ever.

To end this lovely rant I would like to say that, over break, I made/created the most FANTASTIC chocolate/vanilla marble cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting filled with fresh organic raspberries and topped with said raspberries... YUM! yes, this was fantastic.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Well, it's official. I'm not going to Unofficial this weekend :( It's kind of bittersweet thought.
I really wanted to see the boyfriend, but I guess I can get studying done for next weekend and just relax and SLEEP IN. Ok, I guess i'm excited for that :)

In other news, this past weekend the Archaeology club and I went on a trip to the Field Museum in Chicago to get a (wait for it) BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR OF THE ARTIFACTS! omg it made my life. I am not at all ashamed to say that I had an emotional moment standing right in front of Egyptian Artifacts from over 100 k years ago. holy shit it was amazing. This just completely solidifies what I want to do with the rest of my life. :)

All in all a pretty solid weekend :) now to study and getter done so I can relax on spring break with my bestie in Vancouver :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Life as we know it

Being as it is Friday, I shall summarize my week.

Monday: VALENTINE'S DAY! and it was lovely for the mere fact that I absolutely LOVE holidays :) Sadly I received no gifts or tokens of love from the boyfriend, although we don't really do valentine's day anyway so it's all good. The day in general was pretty chill. Had two classes: Art in the Italian Renaissance (pretty boring unless we are looking at paintings) and my Middle East and Mediterranean class--Learning about Alexander the Great is always a pleasure--especially since I already know most about him-Spoiler: he died in 323 BCE.

Tuesday: Busy day class wise. Had four and all were pretty meh. In one I had an exam: PASSED! and in another (Neandertal Enigma--yea the name is pretty much awesome) we talked about the Kropina Neadertal finds--all I can say is that that class is probs my fav. right now. Dr. Franciscus is the shit. On a different note, Glee was new this week and it was delightful. Also (i'm bringing my nerdiness out) it was almost tribal-esk. Seeing as I live with a house of girls it is no surprise that we watch Glee, but it's the way that we watch it that is entertaining in itself. We sit around the tv and listen closely to the show and try and figure things out, things that aren't shown. I relate this to tribal behavior. It's similar to the way in which some cultural tribes sit around and speak oral traditions that have been passed down.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Finn and Puck. But the tribal analogy sounds so much better :)

Wednesday: Same classes as monday. pretty boring, nothing interesting at all.

Thrusday: Now yesterday was interesting. The temperature hit a whopping 60 (HEAT WAVE!) and I decided to break in my new Sperry's. MISTAKE. I now have huge blisters on the back of my heals mocking me for my valiant efforts to look cute on a nice spring day. However, towards the evening vampire diaries was on and it was spectacular. Yes I am one of those girls who watches those shows :) and damn proud!

Today (friday): Although I thought today would be different, a nice day to start fresh and maybe feel a little better about myself, i was sadly mistaken. I was off to a rough start with some unpleasant news...thought going for a run would help. FAIL--running whilst having a cold is never a good idea..note to self. Not only that, but now I have official "duties" to do, which suck. ALSO homework. today is just fabulous--not. I thought being in college would take me away from drama..not true--never believe that bull shit. On the plus side, I am going out for sushi tonight :) and spending the rest of the night watching movies with people in my house that I actually care to talk to and hang out with.

WOOT--well now that my rant is over (at least for friday) I shall get back to my plans for the day. HOMEWORK and studying (the most important things in my life)//besides the boyfriend of course ;).

Hopefully I can update this thing regularly. It gives me a place to vent :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24th

Ha. wow. forgot i had this thing lol.

anyway. Seeing as i don't really have any followers it doesn't really matter what i say on here, so i'll just talk about my life as of right now.

Second semester of sophomore year started last week. I'm surprised as to how fast college is going by...I guess i should take advantage of this time while it is in front of me. I'm taking pretty awesome classes this semester. Really intriguing..these classes make me think and keep my mind busy, which is a nice change of pace. Probably one of my favorite classes is my Art in Italian Renaissance: we talk about Italy during that time period; the artists. It's remarkable. Probably the only reason i'm interested in that is due (in large) by my humanities teacher and a person i consider a very close friend of mine (oh yea. shout out to you ms. schild..seeing as you are probably going to be the only one reading this haha). Just like in my first day of humanities, we learned about the definition of art...and this is what my professor came up with, "Art must be a part of the idea or context of the composer...art must be understood in the same mindset as to the time period it was constructed.." maybe you can use that in your class? :)

I'm also learning about how anthropology is used in contemporary world problems such as: genocide, eating disorders/diabetes, disasters etc. It's truly quite fascinating.

Along side that, i have applied for an internship in the National museum of Natural history at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.. I'm supposed to be hearing back from them shortly, so "cross fingers" i hope i get it!

In other news. I am now the Chapter Life VP (second in command) of my sorority :) and although it comes with tough decisions and complications, i love it.

I don't know what else to discuss...It's cold here in Iowa City haha. To be expected in January in the Midwest.

All in all, life is wonderful. I do not think i have been this content and happy in quite some time. I'm taking advantage of it and loving every minute of it :)

I appreciate those of you who read this. Until next time.
