Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So obviously, instead of reading for my class I am about to rant over animal cruelty that is happening in today's society. On monday I was handed a pamphlet for Vegan eating and inside it had pictures of petrified chickens, pigs ( :( i love pigs) and other farm animals. It broke my heart.

(this relates to the story i promise) Over the summer I was vegan for about two weeks, just for the "health" reasons and didn't really care about the torture that these poor animals had to suffer through. This is astounding and awful: chickens getting a third of the beak cut off in order to minimize pecking in overcrowded coups? REALLY?!?!? How selfish are we really. To let these poor animals go through all of this pain just to become food for our obese, over populated economy. Absolutely ridiculous.

I have decided to become a Pesco-vegetarian. That means that I only eat fish. I guess you could say i'm a vegan besides that i eat fish, because i don't really eat that much dairy anyway..Only cheese really (come on..i'm from wisconsin, lets me real).

If I had time, I could go on for hours about the obesity that is taking over our country and everything like that..but unfortunately that will have to wait for another time.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sick--that pretty much sums up my past two weeks.

Illness sucks. You can't breath, can't workout, can't eat normally, can't focus...catch my drift?

This all began two weeks ago (the week before spring break) and it started with a sore throat. Now this said sore throat consisted of the works: scratchy, sore, red..etc. all in all it was AWFUL! Then once I started my spring break festivities it went dormant: BYE BYE COLD! On the contrary--it is now back..TWO WEEKS LATER with full force taking over my immune system like it's hitler or something. Seriously LET ME GET BETTER. Plus side, it is just a good old fashion cold: no strep or mono for this girl! however not so lucky for a girl in my house...mono for her :(

ANYWAY..This is day 5 of sickie sara and to be honest i'm soo DONE. ugh I just want to workout and feel better, but no.

Spring Break, however, was a success. Visited the BFF in Vancouver and then went to Champaign to pick up the boyfriend (because i'm awesome like that) from school. Now he is off galavanting in London/Madrid and i'm here. alone. sick. and full of no motivation what so ever.

To end this lovely rant I would like to say that, over break, I made/created the most FANTASTIC chocolate/vanilla marble cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting filled with fresh organic raspberries and topped with said raspberries... YUM! yes, this was fantastic.