Tuesday, December 27, 2011

T-5 days

Oh man. Only five days until I leave for my epic adventure in Ireland! It is very bittersweet right now. I'm packing like a mad woman and trying to find everything. I did not expect packing for an entire semester would be this hard, however I should have assumed packing your entire life for a semester was not going to be an easy task.

Since I am leaving on the first (yes..New Years day :( ) I though it would be useful to write before I leave in order to document my feelings and blah blah blah. Don't worry, my posts while abroad will be a lot more interesting and (hopefully) witty.

Alas I am going to go pack some more, seeing as I am not even CLOSE to being done :)

I hope this blog shows you all how much fun I am having in Ireland and gives you reassurance that I am doing great and loving every minute of my life.

Till next week!

Sara Leslie