Monday, February 22, 2010


So these next few weeks before spring break will be hell frozen over. Tests and papers galore for this girlie right i don't know if i'll have time for many posts, but i'll be sure to update on the weekends!

hasta la vista!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lazy Saturday

I wouldn't mind it so much if I didn't have a crap ton of homework to get done. For people that say semesters get harder as you move on are very true. I don't even have class on friday and yet the classes I am taking are encompassing most of my time. It gets frustrating...but se la vi, life goes on. I wouldn't call myself THAT lazy, I mean, although I haven't left my room (except to use the restroom), I have been working on homework. I would like to get done as much as possible due to the prior engagement I have later this evening. aka: BARS! :)
I was looking at my calendar today and it's only a short 19 days until I have SPRING BREAK! I cannot believe it. Then after spring break it's only a month and 2 weeks until this semester is over! wow, I definitely didn't expect my first year of college to go by so fast. If all of the years a like this, then I will be on my own sooner than I anticipated. Which, to me, is a scary thought. I mean seriously. I'll be 20 in 6 months...i'm not a teenager anymore..I can say, i'm in my 20's...THAT'S SO WEIRD..strange, unusual, different (any other word that would describe how i am feeling).
While having this revelation of how short college is, was the revelation that I, sara, NEEDS A JOB! GAHHHH like i'm not kidding. I need money. I've been applying everywhere for over summer vacation and haven't had a response back yet...(crossing fingers) i hope i get one. Being jobless sucks over the summer, especially when all of your friends have jobs and your just sitting at home doing NOTHING. Even though i will be taking summer school at COD, it still isn't the same. I need mulah mucho y PRONTO! Using the padres money just doesn't seem right now. I want to spend my own urned money, and save up enough so that i can live!!!! (or buy a car :)).
Well I believe I am done ranting for right now, but i will keep updating as my adventures progress in my life!


Friday, February 19, 2010

Life in the fast lane

You can say that again. Lo siento for the HUGE gap in time span from my last post, I kinda forgot about this thing, but i'll start up again :).
GAHH I cannot believe it is already second semester already, and almost HALF WAY THROUGH! Only 20 days till I go home for spring break! I now believe college is going to go very fast.
The semester schedule seems a lot harder than last semester. Although I do not have classes on Fridays, it seems like everything is crammed into 4 days and it's just a lot harder. Two night classes (FYI: there are many creepy people in Iowa City past 9 at night...).
I have a new roommate this semester. She's pretty cool. She goes out....a lot, but then again, who doesn't... ;).
Well I guess I will make this post a short. I'll make sure the next ones are longer.
